Chicken Aroma-"It will Drag You Inn",Ring Road,Pratap Nagar,Nagpur.

At times when you end up trying something ,just out of nothing,the result is absolutely pure.I as much may sound insane,but its just the reality that sometimes we refrain to understand.And just as a matter-of-fact is this place named Chicken Aroma.
              An absolutely small place, rather say-outlet that may fit 10 people.This rather really small tiny tot place offers you absolutely lip smacking starters and just starters,thats it!and yes no veggies please!Vegetarian aren't even expected to peek-a-look at this place,I say. The whole idea of just having starters is within itself so much fun,that people like me anyway get attracted.So,as the list goes from chicken popcorns,chicken chaat,chicken nuggets,chicken Maryland,crunchy chicken,satay chicken,chicken in banana leaf to chicken kheema pav,fluffy omelette...and the list goes on..ain't it sounding tasty..I am already tempted!!
              I and my dear friend as we munch on chicken popcorn that surely seems inspired  from KFC(Kentucky Fried Chicken) popcorns(but not the same taste,obviously!),chicken chaat,crunchy chicken..I must tell you that it had fresh meaty,melting flavor to it.We loved it.The reason of this place being noted is the whole fact that it din't compromise on its value for quality and sure the fact come from its taste,the meat seemed as fresh as possible that may not come at times from "those" well-known restaurants too.So, that was brilliant experience to me.Dishes may range from 50rs to 110rs(max.) for a very good quantity.Its worth it and recommended too.


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