Jagdish Saoji,GandhiSagar/Shukravari Lake

Enter Nagpur and you gotto be missing on a big thing not having tasted something called as "Saoji".No offence though!.Before i go on..let me run you through a small history about saoji.To the best of my believe Saoji is a community wherein people after a long,hard day's work would come up together to prepare meal(veg/non-veg)..All the spices are blend together to bring out this wonderful dish called Saoji.. Three things come up free with Saoji-"Burning mouth,Sweat,teary eyes"..Bring it on!!
       Nagpur has numerous saoji bhojnalaya as they say but not every of them have ladies/females going..most reasons of men around more...However hold on guys..Presentingggggggggg......"Jagdish Saoji",yes!this particular bhojnalaya that I know of,has ladies going too...Wow!..Why would I leave my chance now.
                Facing the famous lake of Nagpur-Shukravari lake a.k.s GandhiSagar lake,this bhojnalaya stands to invite everyone..However this yellow colored building isn't so pleasant to eyesite but then certain things can always be sacrificed when taste buds are on the peak!!A big red colored neon light high on the building speaks of the name.Gave a look and entered. The first thing that catches eyes are the red colored steel chairs and wooden table..so much choked in the big room that there is hardly any space between...to get yourself fixed in..Give a break now!! But realized no one there is bothered anyway to come to your rescue...Make your own space and sit!...Take a look around and you see village designs given to the wall ..amidst comes the waiter "Order do!"..And we realize there is actually a big board which has menu to it and no menu card!..Anyways,menu had-chicken plate,mutton plate,keema plate,egg plate which consists of Rassa,roti,rice,onion,lemons. and the other dry dishes..Veg i dont know even if i did see it in the menu..Am sorry!...In no time that the order is given the plate is already in front of me...I stare and stare and stare at it..Red hot spicy rassa ,rotis(fulkas),onions-lemon by the side...Ready with a bite in one hand and a-must-handkerchief in the other hand...off you go...And the biggest kick of spiciness at the back of throat is sensed and you isss haaa-isss haaa...Wow...you eat a bite and can stopping having the other"Somebody..Stop me!!"...Next comes Rice,"Tarri" which is nothing but just the rassa and as what I hear about it is that the floating oil above the rassa has more spiciness to it.You sweat,you cry,you drip!!!
    By the time that you are out of the place your face is red,mouth's burning and absolutely sweaty..Wish you could have just drowned into the lake that it is just in front....NO!!For a spicy-food-lover like me,its an absolute welcoming treat for another visit. The plates may rate anywhere between Rs.110 to Rs.150 per head depending on what is selected with unlimited rassa along.



  1. Wow, reading this blog itself is making me sweat, and my mouth is watering too. Lets plan this in our next Nagpur visit.

  2. I must say...Its sure one treat..

  3. Awesomeee... Reading this blog got me the feel of me actually visiting "Jagdish Bhojanayala.." personaly
    Well Described and your onomatopoeia's that I have come across in this blog just gave me the right shivers... My mouth has already started watering... :))

  4. wo-wo...hmm,,,as all other comments,..i cud really feel the taste...dont know if i cud actually eat with that spice level..but wow..mouth is watering!! hahaha


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